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Read the painting series of Zeng Hao "Dunhuang Dream" series



Zeng Hao, born in Zigong City, is currently the creative committee member of Dunhuang Oil Painting Creation Center of Chinese Artists Association and a member of Sichuan Artists Association。He is currently a contracted artist for Triffin Gallery。

In November 2002, he held a solo exhibition at the Singapore Chinese Art Academy。

In April 2004, "Chinese Oil Painting Dunhuang Cup Exhibition" was held in New York, USA.In June, he held an exhibition of works of Chinese famous artists in Taiwan and published a personal album。In the same year, Tianjin Yangliuqing Painting Society published "Chinese Contemporary Oil Painting Fine Series, Zeng Hao's Works".。

In 2005, he was selected into the "Contemporary Oil Painting Exhibition" in Beijing;Held "Chinese Young and middle-aged oil painting Exhibition" in France;In October, he held a solo exhibition at the Walter Art Center in New York, USA。

In 2006, China International Fine Arts Publishing House published the Collection of Chinese Contemporary Painting and Calligraphy Masters.。At the same time, he participated in national and provincial exhibitions, and his works were collected by Dunhuang art institutions, galleries and collectors such as Simon Dunhuang Academy in Britain, Japan, Singapore and Indonesia。


Quiet quiet and free

Zeng Hao has been looking for his artistic concern in the Buddhist culture for many years, and has made remarkable achievements. The pure and skilled realistic technique provides the audience with the possibility of appreciation and reflection, and the pursuit of aesthetic art leads people's mood to a pure place。Looking at the diverse picture language, first of all, Zeng Hao created unique characteristics, he often expressed the female image of many painters, and gave a mysterious religious color, the combination of virtual and real pictures, summary realistic coexistence, enriched the connotation of the picture, in the prevailing trend of major schools

Zeng Hao has his own clear understanding and pursuit of local culture,In the creative process of Dunhuang painting series,Based on tradition,Bold innovation,It shows the distinctive flavor of The Times and the mysterious color of Dunhuang culture,In order to reproduce Dunhuang culture, he combined Western oil painting with Chinese painting techniques,Integrate their own aesthetic of art into the work,It preserves the eternal spirit of the human senses,And established its personal symbol identification,He's not just a throwback,It's not a secular rehash,Instead, it uses modern painting language to transmit the perfection of Dunhuang art;He did not confine himself to pure religion,It is the memory and yearning of the Chinese nation's thousand-year culture,The ancient culture is deeply attached to the brand of modern civilization,Calling for a kind of brahman sound in the realm of pure beauty。From the perspective of "rare things are valuable" investment, Zeng Hao's Buddhist series of works has considerable operability, and the current upward momentum of the auction field is quite strong


The Poly Spring auction in Guangzhou in January 2005,他的<舞神>便以超尘脱俗的美深深打动拍场上所有参拍者的心,The plates are folded all the way,Take turns running the stage,The ups and downs,He ended up with $418,000,紧接着另一件<莲花观音>也敲定了25万3,It was such an impressive debut,This is really commendable among tens of thousands of contemporary painters,其后,Nine songs, Jiaheng, the Pacific constantly shaking hammer,The future looks promising,It is believed that contemporary art and traditional classics go hand in hand in the current situation,Zeng Hao's Buddhist classics will surely have a more wonderful performance on the scene

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