Henan Art and culture art Development Group Co., LTD

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The growth of jade pot spring bottle


Jade pot spring vase is a classic porcelain model in China, and its firing style changes with The TimesThe evolution of society has changed accordingly。


Song period (including Liao, Jin) jade pot spring bottle includes the white glaze, blue glaze, black glaze and other different types of decoration, mostly plain surface, but also have carved techniques to increase the sense of decoration。


Yuan Dynasty jade pot spring vase with blue and white, underglaze red, shadow green, Longquan green glaze, most of them were made in Jingdezhen。Mongolians are not only good at riding, but also like to drink, and the bottleneck of jade pot spring bottle is easier to carry and easy to drink at any time。


The jade pot spring bottle in the Ming Dynasty is more mature in shape and technology。In the early stage of the jade pot in the Ming Dynasty, there were more enamelware, dark flower ware, underglaze red ware and blue and white ware, and blue and white ware was the most common in the middle and late stage。In the decorative pattern, it often takes cloud dragon, plum, orchid, flower and bird, and intertwining branch lotus as the content。The theme of dragon is a kind of royal variety that ordinary people can not use, and it is easier for literary people to resonate with the theme of moral connotations such as plum and LAN。


The Qing Dynasty is an important time point in the evolution of jade pot and spring bottle.In Qing Dynasty, there are many kinds of glaze colors for jade pot spring bottles, and all kinds of single color glaze, pastel, bucket color, blue and white can be fired。Judging from the decorative content,Qing Dynasty jade pot spring bottle to a large extent and Ming Dynasty decorative style has a clear difference, decorative themes tend to be more rich and diverse, the content of the painting not only involves the literati class, but also reflects the beauty of secular life works。In particular, the blue and white jade pot spring bottle decorated with the theme of bamboo stone and banana is very popular, from the Qianlong period to the end of the Qing Dynasty have been burned。


In addition to porcelain, jade POTS spring bottles also have jade, gold and silver, especially in the Ming and Qing dynasties, there are also copper enamels and other different textures。At the same time of its own development, the jade pot spring bottle will also be used for reference by other utensils, such as the Ming and Qing dynasties, although many teapot are imitated from the Arab silver pot, but the pot body is a jade pot spring bottle style, with more flow, handle and lid, so it is also called the jade pot spring bottle。
Jade pot spring bottle is both simple and dignified, beautiful and gentle, perfect arc shape, very visual beauty, exudes the unique charm of Chinese ceramic art。How small it is in terms of collection,The "S" shape gives people the feel of Ying Ying in hand, which is very suitable for collection and play。For the book case, it can also instantly improve the home taste, and create a quiet and elegant atmosphere for the home。

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