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When it comes to wine, the wine itself naturally comes first。Two equally important things are how you drink and what you use。The name of the wine vessel, the shape and decoration of the wine vessel under the influence of the wind, and the use of the wine vessel on different occasions are closely related to the first two items, which together constitute an era"Wine culture"。

1. Name, shape and use of wine vessels

Yuan Dynasty came from the western regions distilled wine, the name of the time Haragi, but to the Ming Dynasty, appeared in the North and South of the banquet is still more rice wine。Li Shizhen, Compendium of Materia Medica, vol. 25"Shochu" said: "Shochu is not an ancient method, since the Yuan time to create its method...Its clear like water, taste extremely strong, cover wine dew also。It also states its advantages and disadvantages, saying, "Shochu is also a pure Yang poison," and "it is the same sex with fire, and it burns when it gets fire, and it is the same as the flame.。People in the north drink it at four hours, and people in the south drink it when the summer is over。Its taste is sweet, rising divergence;Its gas is hot and dry, Shengdampness dispels cold ", "excessive drinking is not proper, killing instantly"。In contrast, yellow rice wine is naturally much milder。Gu Qiyuan "Guest superfluous language" volume nine "wine" article said "scholar-officials used only Jinhua wine", this is the situation in the middle and late Ming Dynasty。The book was written in the Kangxi years of Liu Tingji "in the garden magazine" volume four "wine" bar Shang Yun "the capital will feed, will open south wine as valuable"。The section "Shaoxing Wine" in Volume 4 of Liang Zhangju's "Continuing to Talk" in the late Qing Dynasty still said, "Today's Shaoxing wine is the authentic wine in the sea," and "no other wine is enough to resist".。 


(Ming) Anonymous Han Palace Chunxiao map (partial) paper ink brush

33.8 cm across 562 cm Liaoning Provincial Museum Collection

  《线上电子游戏官网》故事发生地点的山东清河虽为托名,但作者选取的素材该是以北方为主,而书中提到的酒,诸如金华酒、浙江酒、麻姑酒、南来豆酒,都是南酒,即便烧酒,亦为"Nam Soju", although this is a very low-grade category。The self-made sweet clover lotus wine given to Ximenqing by Father Liu is also a wine based on yellow rice wine, which is consistent with historical records。For this reason, drinking in the Ming Dynasty was usually still a customary hot drink。Only wine notes since the Yuan Dynasty is no longer popular and warm bowl together as a pair, the wine in the cold, can be hot at any time, people called "swing", sometimes the so-called "sieve", is also such a meaning, such as "Ci Words" fifty-seventh time, Ximen Qing called: "open the ma Gu wine swing.。The 35th time, "Distribute Jinhua wine to An er, open it next to it, use a copper steamer to screen the heat and bring it"。The 46th time the boy said, "Sifting wine on the small brazier, he emptied the tin bottle of wine.。Ming Lu hush Yun "World Affairs Tongkou · Wine ware class" because of the list of "Ji Ji furnace", its bet cloud: "That is, water furnace.。The novel "Clapping Out Dust" at the end of the Ming Dynasty describes for the first time the situation of several people drinking in the Taoist temple, saying that the Taoist priest "called the Taoist boy to change the cold wine in the pot to a hotter pot", and the Taoist boy "quickly built a small stove, placed it next to the plum tree, added charcoal, faced the wind, and instantly burned the wine to roll".。A passage from Ming Dynasty's "Spring Dawn Map of Han Palace" in Liaoning Province Museum,It was three women who had set up a table on the edge of the rock and were drinking in a pot,The maid next to him holds a bottle of wine,On one side of the high table behind the rock side are the wine altar and the charcoal basket,The wine bottle sat on the stove,The maid in front of the stove holds the fan,"Charring,Up the wind,In a moment, the wine was hot and rolled.",This is exactly the case。The commonly used small stove is also used to cook tea wind stove, which appears in Ming Dynasty paintings。However, in real life, hot wine often does not put the wine container directly on the fire to heat, but placed in the container of soup, that is, hot water, and the direct contact with the fire is the soup, so that the Chinese side has no damage to the wine during the heating process。Look at Lisda's axis of flowers, a brazier at the bottom left of the picture, a pot with a beam surrounded by burning coals, and the open spout reveals a bottleneck tilted into it, which is undoubtedly the scene of hot wine。

   Wine note, Ming Dynasty also known as wine pot, bottle, or said bottle。One of the typical styles of gold and silver wine is a thin pot body, trimmed neck, thin flow, hook handle, the outcast spout has a lid, the top is usually a pearl button, the button under each rope connected to the hook handle。People or according to its shape called gold, silver;Vegetarian, also make the game, chicken also。The "Group target hooked head Chicken pot" in Ci Hua (the 21st round) is this thing, and the 49th round of the cloud "Group target hooked head chicken neck pot" is a more vivid name。Another typical style, the pot neck is short and the ampulla is round, which is listed in the famous "Dunzi pot" in the "Tianshui Icebergs Record"。There is a short short tall thin between the two, the common name is the pot, such as Beijing Yongding Gate outside the Nanyuan Ming Wantong tomb unearthed a gold inlaid treasure flying fish pattern pot。Regardless of tall thin or short, the ampulla makes an apricot leaf opening。The so-called "Golden apricot leaf pot", "flying fish apricot leaf pot", "Golden Kirin apricot leaf pot", registered in the "Tianshui Iceberg Record" Yanfu Jiacai this type of gold pot has 16。"Flying fish apricot leaf" and "Unicorn apricot leaf" are decorated with flying fish or unicorn in the apricot leaf。According to the name here,A golden pot unearthed from the Ming Wangui tomb at Youan Menwai, Beijing,It's a golden plain apricot leaf pot,A golden pot from the tomb of King Liangzhuang in Zhongxiangming, Hubei Province,Is the golden dunzi pot;It is now in the collection of the Philadelphia Museum of the Ming Dynasty,Is gold inlaid treasure dragon pattern apricot leaf pot;An enamel vase from the Ming Dynasty in the British Museum,Apricot leaf pot for unicorn。A silver six-edged flower and bird pot unearthed from the tomb of Zhuangming Li Wei and his wife, Haidian District, Beijing, and a copper gold-plated Gold lion button cover six-edged flower and bird pot in the Capital Museum can be compared with the "Gold six-ling grass and animal pot" in the Tianshui Iceberg Record。The cover button skillfully made for the lion play is naturally different from the usual pearl button, "Tianshui Iceberg Record" log property names should be specially marked, such as gold lion top pot。Hubei Qichun Hengche Town Ming Jinggong tomb unearthed a lion button cover gold pot, is also of this kind。As for the apricot leaf pot unearthed in the white jade longevity of Dingling Tomb in Beijing, the grade is alone on top of all the utensils。

 Compared with the previous dynasties, the most significant difference in the Ming Dynasty wine set is the size and shape of the wine, on the one hand, the size is small, on the other hand, the mouth of the Song and Yuan era is easy to narrow the mouth and deep belly, of course, the depth and shallow here are compared。Ming people compiled "Supplement easy to know miscellaneous book"The "cup" diagram is its general style, and the "magnetic vessel, wine vessel, stone door" in the text part of the lower column of the book has "bell jar" which combines an entry.。In fact, people call "cup", "cup", "ou" and "bell", which is not very certain, the "ou" diagram in "three talents", that is, there are four styles, this "ou" can also be regarded as the elegant name of "bell"。From the actual use of the point of view, the name of the bell is more common, and it is widely applicable in the Ming Dynasty, not only the drinking instrument can be said wine clock, tea can also be said tea clock - "Zhu Shunshui Talk Qi" volume under the "instrument" a list of "bell", cloud: "tea clock, wine clock"。In addition, the style of the bell is not uniform: large or small, flat or high, or stemless or stemless, can be called "bell"。A small silver cup with a ganoderma handle inlaid with treasure was unearthed from the tomb of the second Concubine of Jingduan King of the Ming Dynasty in Liu Niangjing, Qichun, Hubei Province, with an inscription on the bottom saying, "A silver clock weighs one, two, four cents and eight cents."。With its own inscriptions, it seems that it can be regarded as the standard style of wine clocks in the Ming Dynasty, but as mentioned earlier, the name of the silver clock is not actually used for this type。 

2. Tea sets are indispensable among the dishes

与前朝相同,一席馔器中少不得茶具,不过两宋时代茶汤多在酒后,《线上电子游戏官网》中的描写却每每饮茶在先,且以果茶为常,因此总会配上一柄取果的茶匙。Gao Lian, Zunsheng Eight Notes, volume 14, Food and Beverage NotesOn the matter of tea said: "Tea has true fragrance, good taste, and proper color。When cooking, should not be mixed with precious fruits and herbs。"If you want to use it, walnut, hazelnut, melon kernel, almond, olive kernel, chestnut, chicken head, ginkgo, etc., or can be used.。The following "tea set sixteen" listed in the "cloud", note: "Bamboo teaspoon is also used to take fruit.。Look at the scene in Ricci's eyes: "After the guests are seated,The most trained servant in the house wore ankle-length robes,Set up a gorgeously decorated table,Put cups and saucers on it according to the number of people in attendance,It was full of that drink called tea, which we have already had occasion to mention, and some small pieces of sweet fruit,It's kind of a snack,Eat it with a silver spoon。Hubei Zhongxiangming Liang Zhuang king tomb unearthed a gold teaspoon, slender spoon handle to make a segment of bamboo, spoon leaf thin shape like an apricot leaf, leaf center pattern for a group of flowers, flower heart of a small cluster of flowers hollow, through the length of 15.5 cm, weighs 11.8克。The silver gilt teaspoon unearthed in Dingling Tomb, the pattern of the spoon leaf is shaped as the fashion pattern butterfly chrysanthemum, the characteristics of the chrysanthemum are expressed by the stamens, but the five fine holes are carved out between the petals;At the end of the spoon handle with the groove of bamboo, there was a good cloud head, 17 long.7 cm, weighs 12 grams。So light and elegant, originally inherited the shape and craft of the gold and silver teaspoon in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and the style of the previous example is the "Golden apricots leaf teaspoon" mentioned in the "Ci Hua".。


Tin beam pot

Ming Dynasty porcelain hoard in Wanjia Town, Chongzhou, Sichuan

The teapot may have a beam, a self-inscription in a Ming ware unearthed in Dingling Mausoleum in Beijing"Tin apricot leaf teapot" is one of the styles。A kind of handle with a flow, and the general difference between wine injection modeling is that the former is short and strong, the latter is tall and thin。In the mural of Fenyang Temple of the Virgin of Shanxi in the Ming Dynasty, the Virgin of the procession out of the palace is accompanied by court ladies holding gold wine POTS and gold teapots, which shows the difference of tea and wine vessels。A silver pot from Dingling in Beijing is the property of Empress Xiaojing, with a height of 13.8 cm, it's a squat teapot style。Teapot is also called soup bottle in ancient times。In the 20th edition of Ci Hua, "I saw Li Ping Er dressing up", "Yingchun holding a silver soup bottle, Xiuchun holding a tea box, coming to the room, and the moon Niang everyone to pass tea"。This silver soup bottle is a silver teapot。The difference between the early wine bottle and the soup bottle is very small, and the wine bottle was originally differentiated from the soup bottle. The shape of the two types of utensils unearthed in the Changsha kiln site is almost the same, so some wine bottles show that "this is a drink bottle must be used separately".。In fact, in daily life, the use of utensils is originally very flexible, "Zunsheng Eight Jian" volume 11 "Yan Xian Qing Appreciation Jian" "on the use of bronze utensils" a section mentioned that inkstone stove "on the right side of a teapot, tea can be wine, for long night guests to talk"。

3. Other dining utensils

Naturally, there are also large plates, dishes, soup bowls, rice bowls and spoons, and indispensable boxes。The Palace Museum collection "Zhu Zhanji Pleasure Map" in the pot scene draws the emperor a person's table and tableware: fruit plate, dish plate, gold bowl four, a pair of chopsticks, gold apricot leaf pot, gold table and box, which temporarily prepared the wine and snacks and can be seen the palace utensils。A group of silver unearthed from the tomb of Zhuen family in Nanjing, Minghang District: wine note and goblet;One teapot, one tea clock;One spoon and one plate。These are the most basic dishes in an official's home。

Fourth, pay attention to luxurious feast

Wine and food utensils, elegance, still jade is the most, but the spread of luxury, it is still to gold and silver。On the drinking table in Ci Hua, the POTS and spoons are mostly gold and silver。Appeared in the book of small gold pot, silver, silver pot, group target hook head chicken neck pot;Silver inlaid clock, silver tall sunflower clock, small golden lotus flower clock, small golden chrysanthemum cup, large golden peach cup;Gold table plate a pair, small gold clock silver table plate;The golden chopsticks and teeth are mostly visible in the Ming Dynasty。Jintai pan a pair, before lifting Qichun Mingdu King Zhu Zai couple tomb unearthed is also。A gold cup from the tomb of the Ming Dynasty in Sanlitun, Chaoyang District, Beijing, the so-called "little gold handle clock", it can be used as an example。The British Museum has a silver tray with a low rosette in the center, a ganoderma lucidum in the heart, and four seasons of flowers carved on the ground around the caviar。Large golden peach cup, there are also mentioned in front of the Ming Wantong tomb unearthed gold inlaid treasure peach cup, but so inlaid treasures, still not Ximen Qing household items can be reached。In the 16th edition of Ci Hua, Li Pin-er prepared the next table of wine for Ximen Qing, "Personally washed my hands and shaved my nails, made some one-inch flat food of scallion mutton, and silver inlaid bell held southern wine."。Silver inlaid wood bell of dark eight imens longevity from the tomb of Jingfan Clan, Huangtuling, Qichun County, Hubei Province, high 3.1 cm, caliber 4.7 cm, Changzhou Museum collection of silver inlaid clocks are all silver inlaid clocks。The 34th "silver high foot sunflower clock", Quzhou Museum collection of a pair of late Ming Dynasty gold high foot chrysanthemum clock or reference。The silver-handled pot is not far from the tomb of Mingzhu 'en family in Zhuhang Town, Minhang District, Shanghai。The 31st round of "Qin boy hiding pot to look at jade Xiao · Ximen Qing Banquet to eat wedding wine" caused a good lively silver handle pot, that is, such。The 34th time, the book boy bought wine and food to Li Piner's room, "Teach Yingchun took the silver sieve, poured the wine in the clock, and handed it up with both hands."。Silver, Hubei Qichun Mingdu King Zhu Zai couple tomb unearthed a very standard style。And Ximen Qing gave CAI Taishi Zhi gifts of "red gold Zhuhua cup", Hubei Zhongxiangming king Liangzhuang tomb unearthed gold cup can be taken as。As for the banquet must set the fruit box and packed box, such as square box, cover paint square box, color paint square box, small gold square box, Luodian big fruit box, in the Ming Dynasty handed down the product is common。The "various painted gold lacquer" shops opened in the street and the "delicate tea" often packed in boxes are also the custom pictures in Qiu Ying's "Along the River during the Qingming Festival"。


Qiu Ying Qingming River map (partial) on silk color

30.5 cm across 987 cm Liaoning Provincial Museum Collection


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